History of Bt
What is Bt
Synthetic Pesticide
Transgenic crop
Bt Transgenic Crop
Bt Crop Spraying
Bt Urban Aerial Spraying

Crop SprayingBt Crop Spraying:

Bt has been used in organic farming for over 50 years as a microbial pest control agent (MCPA). Bt strains account for nearly 90% of the world MPCA market. Most of the Bt products contain insecticidal crystal proteins (ICP) and viable spores (spores that can produce live bacteria). The ICPs are responsible for insect toxicity. ICPs are usually biologically inactive within hours or days. A few products contain inactivated spores.

Typical agricultural formulations include wettable powders, spray concentrates, liquid concentrates, dusts, baits, and time release rings. Bt formulations may be applied to foliage, soil, water environments or food storage facilities. There are many different strains of Bt used, each specific to different insects. Because Bt is species specific, beneficial and non-target insects are usually not harmed.

Popular Bt Strains used

Bt Strain Effective against
Bt kurstaki (Btk) types of lepidopterous insects gypsy moth cabbage looper
Bt aizawai (Bta) wax moth larvae in honeycombs
Bt israelensis (Bti) mosquitoes, blackflies, midges
Bt san diego certain beetle species, bool weevil

Cotton BollwormBt is effective only when eaten by the insect as a larva, Bt is ineffective against adult insects. Since Bt is applied topically, insects that attack the roots or the insides of a plant will not be affected.